Portfolio-Dani Tupper

“In my paintings, I strive to capture the beauty given us by the Master Creator.”

“I’ve been afforded the opportunity to live all over the world as well as travel extensively.  My artwork reflects all the places I’ve been and all the things I love.  I paint seasonally:  flowers in the spring and summer, autumn scenes in the fall and snow scenes brought by Jack Frost.  Year around, there are majestic mountains, rushing streams, beautiful trees, portraits and abstracts to capture.

I’m in love with the many facets of watercolor and love to share my knowledge in my classes and workshops.  To see all the different techniques I do and please check out my Facebook pages; “Artist Alley” shows my paintings and “Painting Talk II” is where I and other artists post our ongoing artwork and other art oriented photos and items of interest.”

Dani is a signature member of the Colorado Watercolor Society, Southern Colorado Watercolor Society and  Western Colorado Watercolor Society, a lifetime member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America, and member of the National Watercolor Society, as well as many other art organizations.  She has conducted art classes for many years and is noted for her versatility, working with watercolor, gouche, ink, alcohol ink, and more.

Dani has also written and illustrated a children’s book, The Spy Mission – Book 1, Adventures in Gardenia,” for children 9  to 11. It is available directly from her or from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Spy-Mission-Dani-Tupper/dp/1943500290/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UPXEGRCC3EE8&keywords=The+Spy+Mission+by+Dani+Tupper&qid=1668804657&s=books&sprefix=the+spy+mission+by+dani+tupper%2Cstripbooks%2C145&sr=1-1

Contact Dani at kdtup21@gmail.com or message her on facebook Painting Talk II https://www.facebook.com/groups/337803416683107